Deploy your Server (without docker) =================================== Once you have successfully tested your LocalCosmos Private Server in development mode, you can deploy your server and make it accessible for the public. This tutorial covers deployment of Local Cosmos Private Server using ``nginx``, ``uwsgi`` and Ubuntu 18.04. 1. Make your django application ready ------------------------------------- 1.1 Update ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Add your Domain name, in this example ````, to ``ALLOWED_HOSTS`` in your ```` file. Also set ``DEBUG`` to ``False``. .. code-block:: python ALLOWED_HOSTS = [''] DEBUG = False 1.2 Check the application ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Run the development server once to check if there are errors .. code-block:: bash cd /opt/localcosmos source venv/bin/activate python runserver If you installed the Demo App (Trees Of Bavaria), you have to remove it before continuing. The Demo App is not configured to run with a deployed Local Cosmos Private Server. Go to ``http://localhost:8080/server/control-panel/`` and remove the App. If there are no errors, stop the development server and continue. 1.3 Clean ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Remove the development lines from ```` .. code-block:: bash # remove these lines after development #if settings.DEBUG: # from django.conf.urls.static import static # urlpatterns += static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT) 2. uwsgi -------- 2.1 Install uwsgi ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If still active, deactivate your virtual environment. We have to install uwsgi system-wide and not inside the virtual environment. .. code-block:: bash deactivate Install ``uwsgi`` using ``pip``: .. code-block:: bash sudo apt-get install python3-pip sudo -H pip3 install uwsgi 2.2 Create uwsgi.ini ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ First, create a ``uwsgi`` folder where all the uwsgi stuff will go .. code-block:: bash cd /opt/localcosmos mkdir uwsgi Create the file ``localcosmos_private_uwsgi.ini`` in ``/opt/localcosmos/uwsgi/`` .. code-block:: bash cd /opt/localcosmos/uwsgi/ touch localcosmos_private_uwsgi.ini and put the following in it: .. code-block:: sourcecode # localcosmos_private_uwsgi.ini file [uwsgi] # Django-related settings # the base directory (full path) chdir = /opt/localcosmos/localcosmos_private # Django's wsgi file module = localcosmos_private.wsgi:application # the virtualenv (full path) home = /opt/localcosmos/venv # process-related settings # master master = true # maximum number of worker processes processes = 10 # the socket (use the full path to be safe) socket = /opt/localcosmos/uwsgi/socket/localcosmos-private.sock # ... with appropriate permissions - may be needed chmod-socket = 666 # clear environment on exit vacuum = true daemonize = /var/log/uwsgi/localcosmos-private.log 2.3 Prepare the socket ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The socket ``localcosmos-private.sock`` will automatically be created. Therefore, we need a folder ``www-data`` can write into. .. code-block:: bash cd /opt/localcosmos/uwsgi mkdir socket # set permissions sudo chgrp www-data /opt/localcosmos/uwsgi/socket 2.4 Get uwsgi_params ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: bash cd /opt/localcosmos/uwsgi wget 2.5 Logging ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: bash sudo mkdir /var/log/uwsgi sudo chown :www-data /var/log/uwsgi 3. Configure nginx ------------------ 3.1 Create nginx conf file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ First you have to create an nginx configuration file. Best practice is to name the file after the domain. For this tutorial we assume the domain is ````, so we create the file ````. Adjust the filename according to the domain name you will use for your Local Cosmos Private Server. .. code-block:: bash cd /etc/nginx/sites-available sudo touch Now put the following code into this file. .. code-block:: sourcecode # # the upstream component nginx needs to connect to upstream django { # according to recommendations, we use a file socket server unix:///opt/localcosmos/uwsgi/socket/localcosmos-private.sock; } # configuration of the server server { # the port your site will be served on listen 80; # the domain name it will serve for server_name; charset utf-8; # max upload size client_max_body_size 75M; # adjust to taste # serve django media files according to location /media { alias /var/www/localcosmos/media; } # serve django static files according to location /static { alias /var/www/localcosmos/static; } # pass /server to django location /server { uwsgi_pass django; include /opt/localcosmos/uwsgi/uwsgi_params; } # pass /app-admin to django location /app-admin { uwsgi_pass django; include /opt/localcosmos/uwsgi/uwsgi_params; } # pass /api to django location /api { uwsgi_pass django; include /opt/localcosmos/uwsgi/uwsgi_params; } # (optional) the app you are going to install at a later point location / { alias /var/www/localcosmos/apps//www/; try_files $uri $uri/index.html; } } 3.2 Make your site available ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Create the symlink to ```` in ``/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/`` .. code-block:: bash sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ 3.3 Collect static files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Create the folder ``localcosmos`` in ``/var/www`` with the correct permissions, if it does not exist yet. Replace ```` with your username on your server. .. code-block:: bash cd /var/www sudo mkdir localcosmos sudo chown :www-data localcosmos # if not yet active, activate the virtual environment cd /opt/localcosmos source venv/bin/activate # collect static files cd localcosmos_private python collectstatic # deactivate virtualenv deactivate 3.4 Reload nginx ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: bash sudo service nginx reload Test your uwsgi setup using this command. .. code-block:: bash /usr/local/bin/uwsgi --ini /opt/localcosmos/uwsgi/localcosmos_private_uwsgi.ini --uid www-data --gid www-data Now open ```` in a browser and check if it works. On some installations you have to remove ``default`` from ``sites-enabled`` (NOT ``sites-available`` !!) .. code-block:: bash cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled sudo rm default sudo service nginx reload 3.5 Make uwsgi startup when the system boots ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Create the file ``/etc/rc.local`` if it does not exist yet. .. code-block:: bash sudo touch /etc/rc.local sudo chmod +x /etc/rc.local Put the following in it: .. code-block:: sourcecode #!/bin/sh -e # rc.local /usr/local/bin/uwsgi --ini /opt/localcosmos/uwsgi/localcosmos_private_uwsgi.ini --uid www-data --gid www-data exit 0 **That's it! You now have a fully working Local Cosmos Private Server!** 4. Troubleshooting ------------------ 1. Check ``/var/log/nginx/error.log`` 2. Check ``/var/log/uwsgi/localcosmos-private.log`` 3. Read